The Frances C. Richmond Middle School PTO is contacted by the local businesses and non-profits to make our parents aware of upcoming events and opportunities. We publish information that directly supports or enhances our grade 6-8 population. Please note that these are not PTO or school sponsored events or requests.


From the Rubin Family


Dear RMS Community,

As some of you may remember, our family had a house fire on December 22 caused by a faulty installed wood stove pipe through our attic. Despite catching the fire early, there was significant smoke damage, and we are still out of our house almost two months later. We are hoping that repairs will finally begin in mid-February and that we’ll be back in our house by early spring. We found out a couple of weeks ago that insurance will not cover any of the repairs and replacement related to our woodstove.

Because we live far out in the woods (with too many trees for solar/solar backup), it's essential we replace our wood stove. A new stove and chimney will cost about $8,000-$9,000. I know there are many heartbreaking stories and people and communities in need, but if you are able to donate any amount or feel like sharing our story, we could use a bit more help so we can get our house and lives back together.

We have felt amazed by the support we have gotten from community members, especially the caring communities of RMS and MCS that have surrounded our kids with love. A friend created this GoFundMe page (which has more details and updates on our situation). We would deeply appreciate any help you can give.

With Deep Gratitude,

The Rubin Family - Jill, Lilja (RMS 8th grader) & Reijo (MSC 5th Grader)